

祝日、そして飛び石連休最終日の今日、Hakuba 47のゲレンデは混み過ぎず、空き過ぎず、程よい混み具合でした。

It was a national holiday and the last day of the consecutive holidays today.  Our slopes were not too crowded nor too quiet, so it was just right!


Snowboarders came out of the tree areas one after another.  They were all happy since there were fewer people and much more snow in the areas than they had expected.

こちら、今日の47 PARKSの様子。ちょっとだけ列ができていたけれど、大した待ち時間はなかったようです。

This is how 47 PARKS looked like today.  There was a line, but the wait did not seem to be a big deal.

47 PARKSのアイテムを一つ一つ上手にクリアしていく皆さん。写真では見えませんが、実は小さな子供達でした。すごい!将来はオリンピック選手かな?

I saw some people accomplishing the items one by one.  It's hard to see in the photo, but they're actually little children.  Cool!  Are they going to be Olympic athletes in the future?

祝日、Hakuba 47でお楽しみ頂けたようで良かったです!またのお越しをスタッフ一同、お待ちしております。

Here's an extra picture.  This is something that arouses our interest when there is tons of fluffy snow piled up - making snow angels!  I don't know who made this, but I do know why he/she wanted to do it (lol).  Glad to know that our guests enjoyed their holiday at Hakuba 47!  Looking forward to your visit again!

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