

ピーカン🌞! 文句なしの滑り日和でしたね!



ですが、単独での試乗会に参画して頂きました! 今日は珍しい スノースクート の試乗会も開催され、ゴンドラ山頂駅横はとても賑やか!!

スノーボードブランドでは、『SCOOTER Snowboard』、『セパレートスノーボードNICO』の試乗ブースが展開。多くの方が試乗されていましたね。

試乗会は明日の4/2(日)も開催されます。今日逃した方は是非明日 Hakuba47ゴンドラ山頂駅横までお越しください!!






47の北向き斜面が発揮される時期になってきました!! そして下山の時間はご覧の様に人のシャワーがルート1下部に!




昨日から開催されていたBook Off FIS Big Air Japan Cup 2023は本日決勝を迎えました。FIS公認の大会らしく集まったライダーは日本の上位ランクの猛者たち。今日もとんでもないたかーいエアを連発していました。カメラも真上を見上げるほどの高さです。
一方、エイブル白馬五竜アルプス平ではジュニアのスキー大会サロモンカップが開催されています。小学生の大会ですが、なめたらあかんーなめたらあかんー♪ ジュニアとは思えない迫力の滑り。今の小学生はうまいなーと感心してみていました。スキーもスノーボードもカテゴリーは様々。オリンピック種目も増えてきています。ビッグエアも競技スキーもこの中から未来のオリンピアが出るとうれしいなー。

さて、明日から週末ですね。コースはと言うと… 絶好調です。R-7の初心者用下山コースは一部徒歩区間がありますがメインのR-1・2・3・4・5・6・8どこを滑ってもいい感じー。とってもいい感じー。そしてまだまだベースまで石ころ踏まずに滑って来れまーす。R-4スノーパークも今日で大会が終わるため上級レーンもあすからOPENです。春の47は絶好調にて営業中!お越しをお待ちしております。


Number 1 fan!!(English Follows)

どんな大会でも、選手(子供)の立派なパフォーマンスは、親としてみたいものですねー。15歳の選手をサポートし大阪から…  応援してくれる家族があっての自分。彼女の応援も、彼氏の応援も、妻の応援、旦那さんの応援、みんな感謝しかありませんね~。
本日、Book Off FIS Big Air Japan Cup 2023 は47パークで開催されました。他のスキー場で開催の予定でしたが雪不足のため、急遽の会場変更!会場変更はスタッフも選手もみんなが大変だけど、せっかくのFIS公認大会、中止にならなくてよかったですね!


Just being there, just a word or even just a gesture…support has an amazing impact on us all.
Today, Book Off presents FIS Big Air Japan Cup 2023 was held at Hakuba 47 and it finishes up tomorrow.

On the Gondola ride up to 47 Parks today I heard the story from a kind mother who unconditionally supports her 15-year-old son who happens to be passionate about snowboarding.
If he can live one of his dreams, why not! In helping him to achieve his goal to snowboard competitively she drives him everywhere and attends his competitions. Good luck and always appreciate your mother


The Sakura season in Tokyo and other parts of Honshu is coming to an end, but here in the Japan North Alps the spring time is different, although the temperatures are getting warmer, the elevation, cool air and overnight freeze is still prevalent in most areas.
The upper slopes have a snow depth of over 180cm and the first tracks in the morning are the best. Here at Line E, guests speed down the gentle slope heading towards route 1, route 2 and route 3. Which one will they attack on the way down!!


The air was cool in the morning and the sky was cloudless. The Alps are exhibiting their true shapes and colors now as the snow starts to melt on the face of the mountains. In Hakuba these snow shapes are called YUKI GATA」which indicate the spring time is coming, the weather is getting warmer and it’s time for planting the crops.

There are more than 10 different snow shapes that appear from the end of march through to the mid-summer. One of them is the White Horse!!


極上のザラメ雪 Corn snow (English Follows)

今日は    COW DAYの決勝日!ハイレベルなエキシビジョンがたくさん見れました。
明日からは続いてBOOKOFF BIG AIRの大会が2日間開催されます。

The COW DAY finals ended today and it was a grand exhibition of high level jumps and tricks. The men and women did a fine job and entertained the crowds.
Congratulations everyone on a great competition. 
Tomorrow will be another event Book Off Big Air to be held over the next 2 days.
Please come and support and enjoy the entertainment.



The most important people sometimes get forgotton...Digger san, thank you for your hard work and wonderful attitude. But please wear some sunscreen and take care of your skin. The sun was out today!


Route 2 small bumps training is fun, today just happened to be ungroomed and this was the condition of the slope. But maybe some customers prefer it groomed..?
The slope is steep and the view of Hakuba Village is charming, please challenge yourself at Route 2 this spring.


Route 3 big bumps inspection by the Hakuba 47 Manager. He is an excellent and quite talented alpine skier. Today he was teleported from Route 2 to Route 3 as part of his inspection. The moguls here are much deeper and the slope is steeper as well, the snow condition was hard at the end of the day.




Ski lessons during spring time, warmer for kids, soft snow and less crowds. The official ski schools at Hakuba 47 are still offering lessons.
Enjoy ski life!


COW DAY SLOPE 予選 COW DAY Competition (English Follows)

ここ最近は日中の気温が低め。太陽の日が当たると暖かく感じるのですが、空気は冷たいです。まぁ、それもそうです。だってまだ3月末なので!! 1~2週間前のあの春のような陽気が感覚を麻痺させちゃったんでしょうね~。



The daytime temperatures have been low these days. It feels warm when the sun shines, but the air is cold. Well, that's just as well. Because it is still the end of March and the spring-like weather a week or two ago must have numbed my senses!

So the snow was not slushy, and the boards ran well and comfortably on the nice compact slope! Good grooming!! Spring break ends on the 6th May so many children are here and the ski resort is lively and colourful!




The bumps at R3 continue to change on a daily basis. I can't ski the bumps, so it's hard for me to comment on them, but it looks like the snow loosens up later in the morning when the sun is shining and then it looks like it's in good shape.
Every time I made a turn, there was a nice spray of fluffy snow.

そして今日は『COW DAY SLOPE』の予選が行われました。



And today, the qualifying round of "COW DAY SLOPE" was held.
Many fans gathered at the start area to watch the high level of skiing up close.
It's not often you get a chance to see it right before you, so everyone's eyes were glued to the course!



LineA乗車中も間近で見れてGOOD! 明日はいよいよ決勝です! お楽しみに!!

The athletes skied jib items and jumps and rode rails and boxes but the highlight was the first jump on the 15-meter kicker!

I usually watch some high level airs in the advanced lanes, but I still can't help but be amazed by the big tricks that are performed one after another.

It's good to see them up close and personal when riding the Line A lift. Tomorrow is the final!!


COW DAY SLOPE 始まります!COW DAY 2023 (English Follows)

3月も後半になってきました。この時期から大会が多く開催される時期になりましたが、今日から『COW DAY SLOPE』が始まりました! R4の47PARKSの上級レーンを貸し切って開催されるスロープスタイルの大会は今日は公開練習。大会ビブを着けた選手たちが多く集まりました。 明日は予選、明後日は決勝となっています。是非トップレベルの姿を会場にて堪能してくださいね!!

It’s the second half of March.  The "COW DAY SLOPE" started today! 
Slopestyle competitions were held in the advanced lanes of 47PARKS in R4, and today was an open practice session. Many competitors were wearing their competition bibs and were gearing up for the qualifying round which will be held tomorrow. There will be some top level of competition at the event! 

上級レーンはネットでセパレートされ、貸し切りとなっていますが、初級レーン、中級レーンは通常通りの営業となります。上級レーンはCOW DAY SLOPE、及びBOOK OFFの大会も他のスキー場さんからの会場変更で47で開催となったため、3/31までクローズになります。


The advanced lanes will be separated by nets and reserved for private use and closed to the general public until 31st March. The beginner and intermediate lanes will be open as usual.

Thank you for your understanding 🙇.


パーク内ではキャンプも開催されていてたくさんのフリースキーヤーやスノーボーダーが練習に励んでいました。将来は、横で開催されているようなビッグキッカーをバンバン飛んじゃう選手になるのでしょうか!! 楽しみですね!



皆さまもご来場の際はゴンドラの下をチェックしてみてくださいね! お散歩しているかもしかちゃん、見れるかもですよ~!

The Japanese serow (Kamoshika) was strolling around the resort again today, at its usual spot below the gondola line. 🦌

I wonder if the spring has brought a lot of tasty treats. These are growing naturally in the bush on the slopes now.
We say "CHANMELON" for mountain grass which can be made into tempura.


ルイスが最終日!Pizza House Luis final day! (English Follows)




Unfortunately, the rain continued throughout the day. It wasn't a heavy downpour, but it was foggy and not easy to get excited about the conditions.

However, the ski resort was also thankful for the rain.

On a cold rainy day like today, the temperature is low and the snow is not melting as fast as it should. The light snowfall this year has made it possible for the ski area to keep the precious snow on the slopes. We will try to stay open until the first week  of May.

Hakuba47スキーアカデミーのレッスン中! 井村コーチが熱心にレッスン中でした!!色々な部署で今日の日曜日で区切りになる所が多いです。




Ski Academy is one of the official ski schools at Hakuba 47, the picture shows coach Imura while he was enthusiastically giving a lesson to this group!

It is now the off season, starting from tomorrow, the ski school operational contents will change to offer private lessons on weekdays and special camps on weekends.

うーーん、残念! 今日でルイスの22-23シーズンの営業が終了しました。😰





Today marks the end of Luis pizza for the 22-23 season! It was just after 2pm, close to the last order time, but I snapped this picture of a group who were ordering for the laast time this season!! I hope it was delicious!

We are planning to have a Luis event during the Golden Week season.
More information too come soon.

さて、明日から始まる、『COW DAY SLOPE』の準備が行われていました。


国内唯一のスロープスタイルの国際大会。トップクラスの選手がやってくるのが楽しみですね! 明日の27日は公開練習、28日は予選、29日は決勝という予定です。


Now, preparations for "COW DAY SLOPE," which start tomorrow, were underway. Banners, bibs, and other equipment were lined up in the waiting room.

This is the only international slopestyle competition in Japan. We are looking forward to seeing the top class athletes coming to this event! Tomorrow, the 27th, will be open practice, the 28th, qualifying, and the 29th, finals.

Be sure to check out the top class atheletes!!

The advanced lanes will be closed from tomorrow until March 31 due to the competition, but the beginner and intermediate lanes will remain open to the general public!