
Number 1 fan!!(English Follows)

どんな大会でも、選手(子供)の立派なパフォーマンスは、親としてみたいものですねー。15歳の選手をサポートし大阪から…  応援してくれる家族があっての自分。彼女の応援も、彼氏の応援も、妻の応援、旦那さんの応援、みんな感謝しかありませんね~。
本日、Book Off FIS Big Air Japan Cup 2023 は47パークで開催されました。他のスキー場で開催の予定でしたが雪不足のため、急遽の会場変更!会場変更はスタッフも選手もみんなが大変だけど、せっかくのFIS公認大会、中止にならなくてよかったですね!


Just being there, just a word or even just a gesture…support has an amazing impact on us all.
Today, Book Off presents FIS Big Air Japan Cup 2023 was held at Hakuba 47 and it finishes up tomorrow.

On the Gondola ride up to 47 Parks today I heard the story from a kind mother who unconditionally supports her 15-year-old son who happens to be passionate about snowboarding.
If he can live one of his dreams, why not! In helping him to achieve his goal to snowboard competitively she drives him everywhere and attends his competitions. Good luck and always appreciate your mother


The Sakura season in Tokyo and other parts of Honshu is coming to an end, but here in the Japan North Alps the spring time is different, although the temperatures are getting warmer, the elevation, cool air and overnight freeze is still prevalent in most areas.
The upper slopes have a snow depth of over 180cm and the first tracks in the morning are the best. Here at Line E, guests speed down the gentle slope heading towards route 1, route 2 and route 3. Which one will they attack on the way down!!


The air was cool in the morning and the sky was cloudless. The Alps are exhibiting their true shapes and colors now as the snow starts to melt on the face of the mountains. In Hakuba these snow shapes are called YUKI GATA」which indicate the spring time is coming, the weather is getting warmer and it’s time for planting the crops.

There are more than 10 different snow shapes that appear from the end of march through to the mid-summer. One of them is the White Horse!!

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