


I thought the slopes would be almost empty since today was a weekday, but the area around the gondola summit station was very crowded.

47 PARKS にもご覧の通り、キッカーの順番待ちの列が。

As you can see in the photo, there was a line of people waiting for their turn to use the kicker at 47 PARKS.

47 PARKS のゲートでスタッフさんを見かけたので、動画と写真を撮らせてくださいとお願いしました。性能の良いカメラとカッコイイ被写体。きっと素敵な画が撮れると思いきや…スタッフさんの動きが速すぎてシャッターが追いつきませんでした(笑) 私の動きが鈍かったのか。写真では伝えきれませんが、47 PARKS に行くと、上級者の皆さんの滑走を生でご覧頂けます。感動しますよ。是非お越しください。

I saw a staff member at the gate of 47 PARKS and asked him to let me take some video and photos.  With a good camera and a cool subject, I was sure I would be able to take some great shots, but the staff was moving too fast for me to catch up.  Maybe, I was too slow...  Anyway, if you go to 47 PARKS, you can see all the advanced snowboarders live.  You will definitely be impressed.  Come see them!


The location was also near the gondola summit station.  I saw a woman who was struggling but trying her best to practice skiing.  It was the first time for her to ski.  She kept saying she was scared, but her friends taught her how to ski and helped her move forward.  I know what it feels like to ski for the first time.  That's why I'm so proud of her stirring herself and going up to the top to practice skiing.

怖かったと思いますが、Hakuba 47で過ごした友達との時間を楽しんで頂けたかな?

After all, I hope you enjoyed the time you spent with your friends at Hakuba 47!  (You really did a great job, Zayra.  Thanks a lot for your time, Zayra, Laura, and Chris!  Please come visit Hakuba again.)

おまけの一枚。Line-E にアンパンマン登場!この後、午後に降り始めた雨でアンパンマンがふやけてしまうかも?と心配しましたが、親切なスタッフがお手製の傘で守ってくれて無事なようです。Line-Eのアンパンマンにも会いに行ってみてくださいね。

Here's an extra shot of Anpanman at Line-E!  I was worried that Anpanman might get soggy by the rain that started to fall later in the afternoon, but a kind staff protected him by putting a full-body veil over him.  Please come see Anpanman at Line-E as well!

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