
空気は冷っと。47はノーブッシュ!No bush! No rocks! (English Follows)



This morning was cloudless, a fine day indeed! Even though it was sunny the air was cool and crisp all day long. Goryu was clearly visible from the mountain!

3月に入り、外国からのお客さまも大分と少なくなった感じですが、まだまだ場内に沢山お見かけします。 春のザクザクな雪のコンディションになりましたがこの時期でも外国からのお客様もまだまだ多いですね。

そして47は北向きのスキー場。最近他のスキー場さんの雪不足のお話もちょくちょくと聞く様になりましたが、47は上から下までノーブッシュ!!! 今日時点でコース上に地面が見える所はありません!! R1の上から下までを動画でチェック!

It is March and the number of guests visiting from overseas has decreased compared to winter’s peak. But saying that, we have many guests visiting from Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan. Asians are enjoying the cool weather and snow sports activities. 

The conditions are now definitely spring with crunchy snow, but 47 Ski resort has north-facing slopes. We have been hearing a lot about the lack of snow at other ski areas lately, but 47 has no bushes or rocks exposed yet when riding top to bottom from Route 1! Today's VIDEO of Route 1


このR7、距離は3,600mあり、終始なだらかなコースでまだスキーやスノーボードを始めたばかりのキッズや初級者には長く楽しめるコースが大人気!! そしてこの斜度と長さはスノースケートにも最適なんですね~!

I usually don't ski Route 7 very often to be honest, but today I skied it for the first time in a while to check out the snow, and I found a snow skater!

Route 7 is 3,600 meters long and gentle from the start to the finish, making it very popular with kids and beginners who are just starting to ski or snowboard for a long fun run! 
And this slope and length are perfect for snow skating~!

モノスキー? でも形がスノーボード?!

だいぶ乗れるようになりました!とコメント頂きましたが、春のザクザク雪になると新たなアイテムに挑戦したくなりますね! 皆さまもいつもと違うギアで楽しんでみませんか?


What’s this I spotted today? It looks like a snowboard but it’s actually a mono-ski? 
I overheard a few comments today, "I've learned how to ride a lot! Why don't you try different snow sports equipment to ride on and have some fun!!

We have a wide range of snow skates and snow scoots for rent at Viking Rental shop next door to the Gondola.

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