
クリアな青空!Clear skies

雪になるかなーなんて思っていましたが期待を存分に裏切られ、夜は雨でした。朝まで続き、午前中は雨…。 スキー場山頂付近は雨、みぞれ、雪が交互に混ざっていましたが徐々に晴れてきました!


I thought it would snow, but my expectations were fully betrayed and it rained during the night. It continued until morning and rained in the morning.... 

Around the summit of the ski resort was a mix of rain, sleet, and snow alternating, but it gradually cleared up!

The clear skies cleaned the impurities out of the atmosphere, giving us a crystal clear blue view and refreshing air.


午前中の板の走りは良かったよ~とリフトスタッフ。 そうですよね~。雨はよく走るもんなぁ~。雨の中の走る雪、 晴れの下での走らない雪、 さぁ、どちらを選ぶ?!

I headed up to do my inspection around 14:00, the course was rough and also slushy in areas. 

The lift staff said that their boards ran well on the piste this morning and the rain didn't really bother them. How about you?
Riding in the snow or riding in the rain or riding in the sun... which would you choose?


アメニモマケズとはこの事ですね! 雨の中午前中頑張ったので午後から晴れの下で自由に滑れたのではないでしょうか? 午前中のレッスンは活かされたでしょうか?!

Many beginner snowboarders participated in the beginner lesson today.

That's great to see them take up the challenge "Don't let the rain get to you! 
I think it's best to learn how to ride on all different types of terrain and conditions to become better at skiing and riding. Also, it becomes more enjoyable over the years♡


彩りよく隠しに春菊があったり…。 おすすめサラダです。


Pizza House "Luis" has a new salad! It is a recommended salad especially to enjoy in the warmer spring months. Smoked cheese and ham!!

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