今日は週末ともあり、おかげさまで場内賑わいました。 ちびっ子連れのファミリーも多く、スクールで頑張るちびっ子も多くいましたよ。 頑張れ!!
Brrrr! Brrrr! Still cold today. The place was crowded thanks to the good snowy weather. There were many families with their little ones, and the little ones were working hard at snowsports school. Go! Go!
The snow scuptures are starting to be built around each lift. This is the snow sculpture contest, a special event shared by Hakuba Goryu and Hakuba 47 which starts , Monday 6th February until Sunday 12th February.
What will each lift make this year?
Please visit the various snow sculptures at the lifts and during the contest period cast your votes!
A little bumpy on Route 3, take caution if you're not used to bumps.
If you like them, have a great ride!!
皆さまご存じの方も多いと思いますが、47は行き止まりの箇所もあったり立体交差が合ったりとコースレイアウトが複雑になっていて、ってそれはバラエティの富んだコースという事なんですが、パトロール隊員にとっては細かな設定の作業が多くて大変。 日々頑張っております!
明日は穏やかな1日になるでしょうか?! 粉雪存分に楽しみましょう~!!
One of Patrol's tasks during the day is course closure.
As many of you know, 47 has a complicated course layout with dead-ends and intersections, which means that the course has a lot of variety, but for our ski patrol crew, it is a lot of work to set up and close. They are working hard every day!
Thank you for watching out for our safety and enjoyment together💘
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